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A member registered Nov 12, 2016

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Hey sorry for taking so long to respond.

I haven't gotten very far in the game, just the tutorial and a bit of swimming in the first level. From what I've seen though, both the Linux and Windows builds of the game run pretty well on the Deck after a few tweaks. The Linux build has to be set to use the Steam Runtime otherwise it won't fully quit when exiting the game. The Windows build runs just fine with Proton 8.0 and seems to run a little better than the Linux version actually. I also noticed that the Windows version has startup videos while the Linux version doesn't.

As far as the controls, I've mashed every button on the Deck for both builds and this is what I've observed:

Left stickmovement
Left stick clicknothing
Right stick
camera movement
Right stick click
first-person view
A button
B button
X button
Y button
Y button (attack mode)
normal attack
Left bumper
Left trigger
Right bumper
toggle attack mode
Right trigger
Dpad up
toggle mask
Dpad downelemental attack
Dpad leftnothing
Dpad rightnothing
Menu button
Pause menu
View button
Quest menu

I know development on this version of the game is basically frozen, but if you want to know more about how it works on the Deck I'd be happy to help.

Now that I have a Steam Deck, I’d like to bump this again. itch doesn’t even need to do anything fancy, just handle downloading and unpacking the games. I can do the rest of the setup from inside Steam myself.

What are the controls when using a controller? I was trying the tutorial on a Steam Deck and got stuck when I had to open the Toa wheel.